Journey mapping gathers in-depth information about specific points of a character’s journey. It helps the co-design team understand things from a character’s perspective. It helps identify where service or support interventions are needed.
There are three steps.
1. Identify four or five key milestones in your character’s journey. A ‘milestone’ is a significant stage or event in your character’s journey. Write the milestones down and stick them along the journey.
2. Add in the detail. Between each milestone there will be lots of smaller steps. Think about whether they are positive or negative experiences emotionally. With a pen, write these steps down. The most positive experiences should be near to the top of the page, and the worst experiences will be near the bottom of the page.
3. Using the speech bubble notes, add in how your character felt at different points.
You will need to have developed character profiles (link to 4) before using this co-design tool.
Use a roll of lining paper or similar for each character’s journey map.