SDS for small business

Self-directed support for small business

There are currently 1.2 million disabled people in the UK who are available for and want to work. (Scottish Government). Disabled people make up approximately one fifth of Scotland's population, yet only about half of disabled people of working age are in work (50%), compared with four-fifths of non-disabled people of working age (80%). This means disabled people often experience high levels of inequality compared to non-disabled people. 

Self-directed support has the potential to enable disabled people to work through small business start ups. 

In Moray, we worked with a team of people who access social care services, the commissioners and deliverers of social care, and employment support services. The aim of the work was to explore, co-design and deliver practical solutions and tools for self-directed support to enable people’s small business aspirations in Moray.

To find out more about this pathway, take a look at our video…