SDS for Small Business: Key Learning Points
- SDS can be used to support people to set up small businesses. Count Me In video and Count Me In campaign
- Self-employment can be a good option for people with fluctuating conditions. Count Me In video
- Self worth, use of skills and talents, well-being, and making a contribution are greater motivating factors than making money for many people using their SDS for small business.
- As this is a new and innovative use of SDS, local authority commissioners need to be proactive in helping everyone see the possibilities and to invest in a development officer resource. Count Me In video and Count Me In campaign
- Mainstream business support services and tools are not well suited to SDS for small business. Bespoke tools and support services are needed. Accessible Roadmap and Guide resource for starting and sustaining small businesses using SDS
- Fear of losing benefits and confusion about complex benefit rules can prevent people exploring the small business option. Benefits and small business case studies
- Peer support through a local network can help people develop and sustain their businesses. The Pilotlight co-design process was an effective catalyst for the development of a network. A local development officer has been key to sustaining it. Moray Small Business Network